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A Different Take On Window Rods

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Three or four years ago while trying to save money at every turn we got a little crafty when hanging cafe curtains in the kitchen and bathroom.  I simply had rods cut at Home Depot out of hollow tubing. I also found the cups they sit in at Home Depot as well, but it has been so long I can't remember what department they were in.  Probably near the pipes.  The clips were super inexpensive from I believe Bed, Bath and Beyond.  In fact, now I am not sure they are even meant for window purposes but they worked for us and I like the simple, industrial feel of it all.
 I still liked the look so much that when we did the bathroom I did not change it out for a proper rod.  As they say, "if it ain't broke don't fix it".

Bathroom Re-Do Part 2

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Yesterday I posted the progression of our bathroom up until this past Fall when we finally got around to taking the next step.  Part of the delay was the debate of how much to put into the bathroom since we really don't know our future with this house.  We might move in the next year or two, we might add on and then who knows what will happen with this space, we just don't know.  So we didn't want to do too much knowing that a lot could change.  Again the before- dated speckled tile and all...
 So what we did decide to do was change the tile and the hardware in the shower.
The walls received white subway tile (good for resale here) and on the floor I used Carrera Marble in a herringbone pattern.  I contemplated using something less expensive on the floor given the uncertainty of everything, but in the end I just went for it since it isn't a terribly huge space.  I also darkened the gray of the walls and changed the ceiling color to a blue/green/gray.  I am not really sure these pictures can show what a big difference these changes made.  It feels so good now.
The light fixture and vanity remained the same as before.  The previous mirror and frames that were once on the wall were needed in other spaces so I decided to do essentially a wall to wall mirror which is actually from Ikea.  I have to say, I love it.  It makes the space feel so much bigger.
Detail of the marble floor and antique rug...
I hope this gives you an idea of the bathroom redo, it is an almost impossible space to shoot.  
Wall color: Sherwin Williams Grizzle Gray 7068
Ceiling Color: Sherwin Williams Comfort Gray 6205
Rug: Antique from Scotts
Curtain fabric available through Marianne Strong Interiors
Hardware coming in another post

Bathroom Re-Do Part 1

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Our hall bathroom, which actually serves as our main bathroom, has undergone several changes over the years.   Here it is before we moved in.  In these pictures it does not look too bad, but trust me, it was.
The walls were covered in some sort of texturing technique gone wrong.  The vanity was old with a scary interior and a heinous top. The tile was old, cracked across the floor and in need of serious TLC inside the shower.  The lighting was, well you can see that for yourself.
When we moved in our budget was tiny but we were able to scrape the walls, change the vanity and lighting and paint the tile- a temporary fix.  So this is basically what it has looked like for a few years.
This fall we finally got around to making some more permanent changes and the tile was ripped out and replaced along with new hardware in the shower.  
Our new bathroom pictures coming tomorrow!

Quiet Time

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Some Days

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Some days....

You wake up at 5:30 to workout before your toddler gets up and at 6:45 you are in your workout clothes but the actual exercise has not occurred and even though you know you have been quite busy, you have nothing to show for it.

Some days....

You go to get your toddler out of bed and he is just so cute you can't squeeze him tight enough.  Then he grabs your face and sticks his against it and laughs and you think, "man this is going to be a great day".  Life could not possibly get better than this moment right here and now.

But then....in the midst of this glorious love fest you take the diaper off carelessly thinking it is only wet only to find out you were very, very wrong and the contents are now e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.  Chaos ensues.  Details will be left off of here for politeness sake.  Let's just say Henry's changing table started the day with a full box of kleenex and a new box of wipes, both are empty now.  I don't even mind Henry emptied the Kleenex one by one because it kept him busy while I was holding Harry (dog) back with one leg and trying to clean up that which shall not be named at the same time.

Some days....

You think, okay we are only 20 minutes late after that fiasco, we can do this.  Then comes a massive Nila wafer spill, a cup of mystery liquid has been poured on Harry (dog), toothpaste everywhere but in an actual mouth, loss of a shoe and a battle over taking cough medicine.

That's okay though.  It is time to sit down and put on makeup with your audience of two (H&H).  This five minute routine takes another twenty because someone wants you to read him a book, a detour off schedule that is always worth it.  Henry laughing as I read the book- priceless.  Eyeliner pencil he takes to the sofa that immediately follows....not so much.

Some days....

You are running so late and you simply can't find a single thing to wear.  You leave your closet wondering if your house has a ghost that stole all your clothes AND acted as a tornado coming through in the other rooms because as you round the door you think, "WAIT, whaaaaaaat?  I swear I cleaned this morning instead of exercising....how can this POSSIBLY be my house?"

Some days....

The last ten minutes getting out of the house might just about do you in- what's for lunch, where is that missing shoe, feed the dog, clean yellow crayon off your MacBook, spill coffee down the front of your outfit you already don't like, stuff the baby into his puffy jacket.....then stop for just a second to take in the image of him so small in the puffer at this moment because again, your heart might just burst at any minute over the love for this being.

Some days....

Even though you spent two hours in complete chaos and you are frazzled before it is even 8:30, you get in your car and your son starts dancing to Cyndi Lauper and you know, those were a couple of hours you would not give back if you could.

And on those days....

You might just pull out your lunch at the office and get a laugh out of the children's container you used to pack your granola.....because you are out of ziplock bags and all the Tupperware is either dirty or the matching lid has long since disappeared.

I hope you have a wonderful day, I promise, design posts are coming again.

Under Construction

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Laurl (my wonderful design assistant) and I are busy, busy, busy with client projects so of course this the moment I get inspired to give the blog a face lift.  I swear, I drive myself crazy.  It might take a while to work out the kinks, thanks for hanging in there with me.


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Since today we are celebrating one of the most inspirational figures who lived, Martin Luther King Jr., I thought some inspirational quotes would be appropriate.  I will be back tomorrow with bathroom renovation pictures.

Quiet Time

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Change of Plans

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I hope you have had a wonderful week.  I had planned to post my bathroom reno today but my schedule yesterday and today was highjacked by snow and my little man.  A welcome interruption.
Have a great weekend and I will be back next week with before and afters.

The One That Got Away

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I saw this runner a couple of years ago at High Point and it was love at first sight.  I still need want it.  Sigh.
I hate when that happens.  What, if anything, is the one that got away from y'all?

Pewter Please

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 I love pewter.  I know many of you do too.  A client sent this picture to me for future reference.  I about fell out of my chair.
In her previous house we had started working on a collection...
Now in the new house it looks like the collection is going to grow!  When it does I will be sure to report back.

Quiet Time

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Saw this in the new West Elm catalog and I thought it was too cute not to pass along.  Off to Market in Atlanta, hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Available here.

Thank You & A Random Question For Y'all

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First, thank you for the e-mails from Monday's post.  I am not sure why comments were not working but it seems to be fine now.  So far I have had a great week and even though it was rough to get back to it, it has been good.  I appreciate your kind words and checking in on me.

Random question: Any brand of towels you love and can't live without? Does not have to be anything fancy.  I am replacing all our gray towels with white since my face lotions and potions seem to be discoloring them.  
Image Via 

Back To It

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 Back to reality.  After a little over two weeks off it is time to get back to work.  I decided to take so much time off mainly to hang out with Henry, a decision that of course was worth it.
As I head back to work today I have to say it is hard.  However, over the weekend I was reflecting on that looming feeling and then thinking about the last two weeks and the dull dread turned into a bold feeling of thankfulness.  In a couple of weeks I have been surrounded by so many people I love, probably the most in such a short period since our wedding.  We went to Mississippi for a week where we visited both sets of Patrick's parents and lots of aunts, uncle and cousins.  Then it was off to Nashville to see my side of the family.  
In the meantime we were able to get together with some really good friends here, lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends in Nashville on New Years Day, and then Ole Miss played in Birmingham this past weekend so I was able to spend time with some college friends.
It isn't every day you get that lucky, and I know that.  So while today I am sad to leave lala land, I am so very thankful for the break I had.  I don't take a moment for granted.  2012 was an amazing year, full honors and blessings, but we also worked very hard.  I needed a breather and now I am coming back refreshed and ready for the new year.  I  can't wait to see my clients faces and use the talents God gave me to glorify him.  So it is with a bittersweet heart I say happy Monday, let's do this.

Quiet Time- Favorite Thing

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In continuing on from my Friday post, one of my most favorite things is this devotional, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.
A simple and short daily read that really brings you peace.  Great for everyone, especially the worriers (like myself).  

Two Of My Favorite Things

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 This year for Christmas I decided to give some of my favorite things as gifts when I was stumped for a gift.  These are possibly my two favorite:
A scarf that is so soft it could be sold on that quality alone, but throw in the fact that it is oversized and it is a win-win.

A good friend of mine gave me Chanel's Illusion D'Ombre last year for Christmas and it became an instant favorite of mine.  It can go on with lots of drama if you like, but applied with a light hand works equally well for day.

Just wanted to pass these along in case, you know, you need a little new year pick me up.

Fresh Start

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