Back to reality. After a little over two weeks off it is time to get back to work. I decided to take so much time off mainly to hang out with Henry, a decision that of course was worth it.
As I head back to work today I have to say it is hard. However, over the weekend I was reflecting on that looming feeling and then thinking about the last two weeks and the dull dread turned into a bold feeling of thankfulness. In a couple of weeks I have been surrounded by so many people I love, probably the most in such a short period since our wedding. We went to Mississippi for a week where we visited both sets of Patrick's parents and lots of aunts, uncle and cousins. Then it was off to Nashville to see my side of the family.
In the meantime we were able to get together with some really good friends here, lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends in Nashville on New Years Day, and then Ole Miss played in Birmingham this past weekend so I was able to spend time with some college friends.
It isn't every day you get that lucky, and I know that. So while today I am sad to leave lala land, I am so very thankful for the break I had. I don't take a moment for granted. 2012 was an amazing year, full honors and blessings, but we also worked very hard. I needed a breather and now I am coming back refreshed and ready for the new year. I can't wait to see my clients faces and use the talents God gave me to glorify him. So it is with a bittersweet heart I say happy Monday, let's do this.
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