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Farina Punts on PS 106 Story

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Teachers ought to try working the hours PS 106 principal Marcella Sims did and see if they get the same reaction from Farina. What I find outrageous by the coverage is the ignoring of the way Sills destroyed the careers of teachers. Once again the DOE seems to be sliding into a "defend principals" at all costs. Shame.
Where is the accountability of Superintendent Lloyd-Bey who covered up for Sills for a decade? A teacher called today to tell me about how Sills removed her from her licensed reading instruction job and when she wrote letters to everyone, including Joel Klein she was called in to meet with Lloyd-Bey and Cashin who some say was Sill's protector. Cashin told Lloyd-Bey to offer the teacher the same job at another school for the rest of the year to shut her up. The teacher took the job but when she came back to PS 106 the next year Sills left her off the organization sheet the entire year and an experienced teacher in reading support spent most of the year sitting at PS 106 doing nothing but getting paid. All this known by Lloyd-Bey and Cashin. Nice work if you can get it,

'Students are learning' at P.S. 106, Fariña says

By Eliza Shapiro
8:10 p.m. | Jan. 13, 2014
Despite "significant room for organizational improvement," schools chancellor Carmen Fariña said Monday evening, P.S. 106 is functioning.
Fariña issued a statement after she dispatched deputy chancellor Dorita Gibson to visit the school, which the New York Post reported was a rat-infested wreck where the principal is rarely seen and students spend the day watching television.
Fariña said a field staffer will visit the school weekly to ensure that organizational changes are implemented. "We are going to relentlessly support this school and marshal our resources until we see the results we expect from our students," she said.
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