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Principal Responds to Recruiting Request from College

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Subject: RE: Your Assistance is Needed: Identifying Future School Leaders
I will suggest folks apply for waivers like the last few Chancellors (and the former State Ed  Commissioner, Steiner) who have been invited to  address folks at your school Klein Levy, Black and Walcott...

Why waste their time actually studying to become a leader when you can do it via nepotism and waivers as NYC has done for a decade- and NYS did  for Steiner...Did you or anyone else your program ever speak out against it?

NYC Principal responding to letter below.
 Dear NYCDOE Principals,

As you are well aware, the challenges and opportunities facing today's school leaders such as yourselves are enormous!  Research and  experience tell us that effective school leaders play the most critical role in overall school improvement and school success.

Among your many roles and responsibilities is capacity building and, specifically, identifying and supporting the development of future effective school leaders.

As a former NYCDOE principal and superintendent and current faculty member at the Graduate School of Education at xxxxxx, I am pleased to share with you xxxxxxxs efforts to work with you to prepare one or more of your teachers as future school leaders. xxxxxxx has a long and proud history of preparing effective school leaders for NYCDOE and for schools in the Greater NYC Region.

Our master's program in educational administration and supervision/school leadership has produced many graduates who have gone on to assume leadership positions as assistant principals and principals and in other supervisory titles. Currently, we are recruiting for each of our two different models:  (1) our regular two year program and (2) our intensive one year Accelerated Master's Program in Educational Leadership (AMPEL) and would like to invite you to nominate/endorse highly qualified teachers/PPS individuals in your schools to our programs. Both models meet NYSED requirements and prepare candidates for the NYSED School Building Leader Certification Exam which is required for those seeking school building leadership positions in any NYS public school.  If your nominees apply to, are accepted and come into our master's program, they will be eligible for a 20% tuition remission based as part of the Graduate School of Education's commitment to teachers and leaders in the NYCDOE public school system.  xxxxxxx GSE is a partner in the NYCDOE Leadership Pathways Initiative.

We have rolling/on-going admissions to our regular two year master's program.  Information about our regular two year program can be found at our website ------

We are currently recruiting for our one year Accelerated program which begins in July only. We would appreciate it if you would share our Program Flyer for our Accelerated Master's Program with teachers/counselors at your school who you believe have the potential to be effective school leaders.

Best wishes for the holidays and for a successful new year!
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