The miracle of this season is that the Burlington paper actually printed an anti-Common Core Op Ed.
They promised to print one of mine but never did. I hope this is a sign of an editorial shift.
Elsewhere, the Corporate Rule abounds. Take this cartoon, where sugar plums aren't dancing in infants' heads. Instead they are watching their iPad apps from the comfort of their Fisher-Price Apptivity (TM) Seat, getting in step to be workers for the Global Economy.
As usual, I can't remember if I sent the following cartoons. They are laugh-out loud funny: the wisdom of children.
Following Directions
Name the Quadrilaterals
NOTE: I call your attention to 'CPS says no to charter schools, but Michael Madigan says yes' by Dan Mihalopoulos. Yes, it's Illinois politics but important to us all.
1. Kudos to reporter to digging in and revealing it
2. My notes reveal the part the unions played in all this.
3. We need to stop supporting Democrats just because they aren't Republicans.
Hoping for The Revolution in 2014.
The wrong choices on standards Vermont should opt out of the Common Core curriculum
Keri Gelenian
Burlington Free Press
Here's a strong denunciation of Common Core from Vermont school administrator.
Connecticut Governor to drop a $1 million to persuade voters to support Common Core
Jonathan Pelto
Wait What? blog
It's interesting that two governors who overcame dyslexia support 'solutions' shipped in from central headquarters rather than individualistic local decision-making.
D.C. schools gave 44 teachers mistaken job evaluations
Nick Anderson
Washington Post
One teacher was fired because of mathematical error in rating system. What can you expect from an outfit that talks of Teacher and School Dosage?
Common Core and your family's data
Bob Confer with Ohanian notes
Lockport Union-Sun & Journal
The NY Times doesn't care but news of the invasion of privacy and sharing of information across multiple sectors is getting to some local newspapers.
Common Core in Kindergarten Class
a teacher
Diane Ravitch blog
Close reading in kindergarten
Testing Expert Calls for Moratorium on Common Core Testing
Fred Smith
Change the Stakes
A longtime employee of the NY citytate board of education testing department calls for a moratorium on Common Core-aligned testing.
Orwellian Statements by Education Secretary Contradict Teacher Testimony to State Board of Ed
Susan Ohanian
Second Vermont Republic
Vermont Education Agency ignores kindergarten teacher testimony but touts hot air from praise of Common Core.
Following David Coleman's Common Core Model: 17 Days on One Short Story
Reality-Based Educator
Perdido Street School
Don't miss this close-up look at how 'close reading' works in Common Core, as well as the writer's conclusions of why this is happening.
Millions in private money poured into Common Core promotion
Valerie Strauss and Carol Burris
Washington Post Answer Sheet
Good information here but the vastness of the Gates influence is understated.
SUBSTANCE EXCLUSIVE. 'While, I respect the right to opt out of testing, it is extremely important that all families understand that by doing so their child’s future could be negatively impacted...'
George N. Schmidt with Ohanian notes
I take a look at some of the people running NWEA and their Chicago connections.
CPS says no to charter schools, but Michael Madigan says yes
Dan Mihalopoulos with Ohanian notesChicago Sun-times
Some bloggers accuse Illinois Speaker of the House Madigan of incestuous relations with Concept Charter and Gulen. I offer some info on union connections with Madigan.
Mayor Bloomberg says Plight of Homeless 11-year-old is 'just the way God works'
Susan Ohanian
Bloomberg attributes plight of homeless child to 'that's the way God works.'
Fisher-Price preparing worker for global economy. They call this the Apptivity (TM) Seat--for iPad device.
Newborn to toddler.
$79. iPad not included.
Download free apps for this product, created with child development experts. As baby gets older, age-appropriate (sic) apps introduce letters, numbers and more through sing-along songs, sounds and friendly characters.
Three-point restraint for safety (won't protect infant from adult stupidity).
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