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Petition the UFT for a mass meeting to explain the contract's impact on ATRs

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we wish to have a full enumeration of all actions that would constitute "problematic behavior". .. ATR
 Stuff is coming in fast and furious. This popped up. UFT claims it is having mass borough meetings and sending its people into schools to explain the contract. Jeff and I wrote about the "problematic behavior" issue. If the UFT/Unity leadership had a good history of really fighting for people I'd say trust them. But they don't and they won't and that is why people don't believe them.

Subject: Petition the UFT for a mass meeting to explain the contract's impact on ATRs

How can one be considered as breaking the law if there is not yet a written law?  Should the fate of teachers' careers rest on undefined legal concepts?

To president Mulgrew we say:
By agreeing to this expedited process you appear to be conceding to the myth that ATRs are all bad teachers instead of educators caught up in school closings and co-locations. 
Principal among our concerns, we wish to have a full enumeration of all actions that would constitute "problematic behavior". 

That's why I created a petition to Michael Mulgrew, UFT president.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

Preserve teacher solidarity. Help share this petition.

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