From a former colleague who I haven't heard from in years:
Retro Pay is a lie!
From what I understand of the new UFT Teacher's Contract?? It's crap.
There is no Retro Pay!
Retro pay is pay for timed served. They want me to work another 4 years to make up that pay.
If I retire or leave the system, I get 1% of the "Retro Pay” for 2013.
Now what about the work for 2009, 2010,2011,2012?
A teacher that starts next year will get 3% in few years,
if I leave I get nothing. How is that retro pay?
So let's call it a pay raise over time, not Retroactive Pay for work done 5 years without a contract.
EricAnother former activist in GEM writes:
Hey norm,And one more from a recent retiree:
I'm more concerned about easing of rules in firing under performing teachers.
So are principals still under budget pressure to get rid of expensive senior teachers?
Where can we get a copy if this new potential contract?
I think Mulgrew planned this with the retirement caveat to:1. Get anyone eligible to retire to do it now, to get higher numbers of dues paying members in.2. It is the equivalent of a retirement incentive.3. To get those who retired between 2009 and 2014 to sing praise of Unity.
Sell out ATRs - many will be gone by the 2016 elections and give retirees even more of an incentive to vote Unity.
James Eterno analyzes the contract:
James Eterno on the Contract: NEW UFT CONTRACT: RETRO DELAYED = RETRO DENIED WHILE ABSENT TEACHER RESERVES HAVE TENURE WEAKENED - Cross-posted from the Independent Community of Educators (ICE) blog.
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