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Opinions Please...Umbrella Strollers

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We are in the market for an umbrella stroller and I could use some advice.  These are the finalist so far but I am open to suggestions!
Above Maclaren Volo, Below First Years Ignite

Above First Years Jet, Below UppaBaby G-Lite

And yes, I am looking for black or dark colors.  Our UppaBaby Vista (which I still love) looks like it needs to go through a car wash.

St. V's Nursery Details Part II

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Hello there, I hope you had a great weekend.  Shall we continue with the details of the St. Vincent's/ABC3340 nursery?  First up.....
The glider came from Storkland and the pillow from Etsy.  We added another pillow that matched the ottoman, not pictured here.  Ottoman was custom made, e-mail me @ mstronginteriors@aol.com for quote.  
Bedding- Sheet and crib courtesy of Pottery Barn Kids, skirt Robert Allen available through Marianne Strong Interiors.
Not a great picture but the best I had of the skirt close up.
Frames Target, painted custom color.  Prints inside frames are actually pages from the book Wherever You Are by Nancy Tillman. AKA the book that makes me cry every time I read it.
Light, to the trade, available through Marianne Strong Interiors.
Ceiling- you probably already know since it is a cult classic- Osborne and Little's Coronata Star.
Dresser available through At Home.
For specific pricing or questions e-mail me or Laurl @ mstrongint@aol.com.
Images Wynter Byrd and Marianne Strong Interiors

Quiet Time

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Well I thought the second part of the nursery details were coming today but that didn't happen.  Instead I wanted to share these pictures from the St. Vincent's Nursery that I thought were so telling.  The family who won the nursery lost their entire house in a tornado.  Through the window you can the destruction of a neighbors house...
The rest of their house was still in the construction stage when we revealed the nursery.  Photo taken from living room looking back into the nursery.

Images Wynter Byrd and Marianne Strong Interiors

St. V's Nursery Details Part 1

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Alright, let's get back to the St. Vincent's Nursery.  Some detail shots and information for y'all.  
The first time I met the winners they told me their son was going to be named Boston in part because of  Dad's love for the Red Sox.  When I saw this mobile I knew it was meant to be.
Above, custom color stool from Stray Dog Designs, available through Marianne Strong Interiors.  Below,  just one of the amazing frames from Scripture with Pictures, thank you Paula!
I have received lots LOTS of inquiries about these letters.  They were my starting point in this space and I LOVE them just as much as y'all do.  They are from Frontera in Birmingham, I also saw some similar at Scotts in Atlanta.  
This light is a trade item and available through Marianne Strong Interiors.  I included this shot though because you can see the inside detail.  I knew I wanted an iron/industrial look to the light but when it went up it needed something else.  All brown iron was too much, too dark and imposing.  So, I painted the inside a metallic silver to match the stars in the wallpaper and it ended up being just what the light needed.  I swear it is the smallest details that matter.
A HUGE thank you to the vendors who helped make this room possible.  The design of the room did not start until after the winner was chosen.  I felt it was important to really design the space for the specific family so I did not try to start a design before I knew who it was.  That left less than 3 weeks to pull everything together and that meant a lot of express orders/shipping/overall general break-neck hustling.  I could not have done it without wonderful companies.  More to come tomorrow.

You Need These.

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 Trust me here people, I am a writing instrument connoisseur and you need one of these.  

Might replace these as my favorite. Available here.

A Milestone

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 Today marks the 5 year anniversary of going out on my own, the official beginning of Marianne Strong Interiors.  Honestly, I can't believe it, time has flown so fast.  I look back on those first few months, the literally sleepless nights, the tears shed and the excitement of it all.  It seems like yesterday and a thousand years ago all at the same time.
(picture taken several years ago in my original office in the house, with my original assistant)

I am so proud of how far this little company has come.  From a small room in my house all by myself to an office I love to come to everyday with an employee by my side.  I know my company in the grand scheme of things is small fries but to me it might as well be a Fortune 500 company.
(This is not the first room I did but it is one of the first I have a picture of)

Of course I could not have done it on my own and today I want to take some time to say thank you.

Starting with my Husband.  Patrick has been my biggest cheerleader and in the beginning when I was making pennies, he was our sole provider.  He gave me the space and support to chase my dream and together we have celebrated the highs and held on through the lows.  By being such an amazing father, he has continued to make my job easier since Henry was born.
(Patrick and my Dad- move in day, an office to call my own!)

Speaking of cheerleaders, my parents and family have been there the whole way.  My parents have always believed in me (and my brothers) to the fullest extent.  It never dawned on me growing up I would not be successful because of the confidence they instilled in me.  Not loud, not proud or boastful, just a quiet voice that always said try hard, don't give up, you can do it.  For 5 years now my Mom has basically been my CFO, definitely a liaison to the accountant and that has been priceless. 

A HUGE thank you goes to an amazing Interior Decorator, Jenny Edwards...also known as my former boss.  I worked for her for several years and during that time she let me start small projects on the side on my own before fully taking on Marianne Strong Interiors.  The depth of my gratitude for her, my time with her, what I learned while working for her is bigger than words.  She changed my life.  I am eternally grateful.

There are so many friends and business peers that have given me countless pep talks along the way, those stick.  They have also shared in celebrating the triumphs, those memories stick too.
(Card attached to flowers-and a giant margarita glass because they know me so well- sent 5 years ago.  Still hanging up in my kitchen today.)

I am so, so thankful for all my clients.  Sometimes I like to open Quickbooks and go back through all the names.  I am fortunate that most of them from the past come back again and I don't have to ever fully say goodbye.  Of course without clients a business could not exist; but it is the enjoyment of working with them, their company, their families, their homes that make my days meaningful and much more than just a job.
(Sneak peek of a project we are having photographed soon)

Last but certainly not least, I have to thank the Big Guy Up Stairs.  I get asked for business advice all the time and there are pointers I give, but I believe there is one sole reason I have been so successful and that is God.  Oh so many prayers have been whispered over these years.  Hundreds.  Thousands.  Only He knows for sure.
(The new website is coming along! Now updated pictures needed.  This could take another 5 years a while.)

I am looking forward to the next 5 years and beyond.  I can't imagine how they could possibly top the first five but you never know what is right around the corner.  Since having Henry the work landscape has changed.  I have had to reign in my workaholic ways- an ongoing struggle.   My biggest goal for the next five years is to continue to grow and find success while making sure my most important job- being Henry's Mom- always comes first.

Quiet Time

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St. Vincent Nursery Pictures!

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This past Spring I had the incredible honor of being asked by St. Vincent's Hospital to design a nursery for a deserving family.  St. Vincent's partnered with ABC33/40 to host the contest.  Out of all the entries three were chosen to share their story on Talk of Alabama.  From there, viewers voted and one deserving family was picked.  The Reed family lost their home during the January tornados that came through Alabama.  They had to rebuild from the ground up.  I am so, so grateful I was able to design the nursery for them.  Two weeks was all the time I had once the winner was chosen.  Usually in this industry you cannot accomplish anything in two weeks but some amazing people and companies helped me out.  Details shots and information coming in a follow-up post.  
Images Wynter Byrd Photography and Marianne Strong Interiors

My New Cubes, AKA Coffee Table

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My beloved coffee table had to go once Henry became mobile.  While it takes a nap safely in storage, I had to figure out something to take its place for a while.  I decided to do two separate cubes for mobility  and potential multiple uses after their stint as coffee table during toddler time.
 I had my upholstery workroom custom make them and I must say, I love them.   The soft corners make me feel better and I take Henry incessantly beating his toy drumstick along the top as a confirmation he likes them as well.

Quiet Time

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I have been so busy for so long that once things started clearing up recently (something I had so desperately wanted) I felt lost.  I do not want to be that person, I am working on it, but in today's world it is just so hard to....sit.

Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42

Perfect Little Pick Up

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 I picked these up the other day and I must say I love both colors.  The green is NOT as vibrant or bright as it appears on screen.  Currently on sale for $3 each, it is the perfect little purchase.

I Can't Wait To Show You

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 Oh I can't wait to show y'all this house.  Hope to have it photographed in the next month or so.  In the mean time here is a sneak peek of two final touches- new entry lights and an very handsome print for a little man.

New Panels

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Like a breath of fresh air.

Snapshot: Client Chair Detail

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The chair was beautiful to begin with, the cushion elevated it to a whole other level.  Rich and luxurious.

Client Paint

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Sometimes paint is easy...sometimes for unknown reasons even the oldest tried and true colors turn...er fleshy, and the sampling takes on a life of its own.

Quiet Time

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Remember WHOSE you are. You are God's child. Reposted from this original post a few years back.  A great comfort for "kids from 1 to 92", as the song goes.

Recent Inspiration...

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1, 2, 3, 4 All from Pinterest