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Layoffs in Newark and Jaisal Noor: Video on Ras Baraka Election in Newark

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A mayoral election in Newark becomes a battle for the soul of the city...
Jaisal Noor, The Real News, delivers - as usual.

Newark may be a future model for the NYC school system despite the Baraka win, who in the New Yorker article admitted he was for a bunch of ed deform - like ending tenure. Who knows what is really where he stands?

But also note the message from the Newark Teachers Union regarding upcoming layoffs.


Cami cuts 500 jobs - State-appointed Newark schools superintendent Cami Anderson is cutting some 500 jobs, including 200 teaching positions, 200 central office employees, and...
Subject: To All Members: Layoff and Position Cuts

Today, Newark Teachers Union leadership met with the district and other union leaders to discuss potential position cuts and layoffs.  While nothing was finalized, we were given "worst case scenario" numbers.  Understand that these numbers are positions, they are not necessarily actual physical staff that will be terminated.  There are vacancies that the district will not be filling, including staff who are retiring.  It is important to note that ALL LAYOFFS WILL BE DONE FOLLOWING TENURE AND SENIORITY LAWS!

The district has said that they may be cutting up to 93 non-instructional (aide and clerk) positions. 

`This plan MUST be approved by Civil Service, and senority will be followed in any layoffs. The time line is as follows:

- The district will submit a layoff plan on approximately May 20th to Civil Service. Civil Service typically responds within 30 days. 

- The district will send out "45 day notice" letters to impacted staff on approximately June 24.

- The layoffs would go into effect August 15.

In addition, the district has said there may be up to 200 cuts to Instructional positions.  This includes 104 non-tenured staff who have already received non-reoffering letters.  This number also includes vacancies the district will not be filling, including staff who are retiring.  Again, any cuts to instructional positions will be done following tenure and seniority laws.

As we get more information about specific titles or positions that may be cut, we will reach out to those groups to discuss actions that will be taken.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at 973-643-8430 or email Mike Maillaro at mmaillaro@ntuaft.com

In solidarity,

John M Abeigon
Director of Organization
Newark Teachers Union,
Local 481, A.F.T., AFL-CIO
And note the New Caucus event:

NEW Caucus invited you to

Rally to Stop One Newark Plan

Tue, May 20, 2014 at 04:00 PM
Broad St & Raymond Blvd

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