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Breaking: Eva Moskowitz Violates Numerous DOE Safety and Other Regs by Calling Illegal Press Conference Inside PS 241

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Success Academy parents were in attendance not because they chose to be there but because their children were held captive so that their parents would attend. Success Academy staffers greeted parents arriving to pick up their children (at 4:30) and directed parents into the school's auditorium telling them they could not pick up their children until after this meeting. Many parents were furious and complained but to no avail. They would not get access to the children until Eva had their captive attention.... Report from inside PS 241
When does the time come when this woman's blatant use of children and parents for her own selfish political ends will be challenged? Will de Blasio and Farina show some guts and hold Eva's feet to the fire? I'm betting not with today's sorry showing where only 9 co-locos were reversed even if 3 were Eva's. She should have gotten all of her school invasions reversed. Some communities are already up in arms, but more on that later.

Here is a report from an insider.
Eva Moskowitz held a press conference today in our school- for free- all the while utilizing NYC DOE property (and our sound system) while blatantly refusing to follow DOE protocol. 

She did not obtain the proper permits for holding a press conference/rally inside the building, let in press without prior approval from the DOE and risked the safety and security of all the children in the building who were attending after-school programs when her staff opened the back doors of the building to usher in adults who never signed in with security- this includes those members of the press who most likely knew they would never have gotten past security!!!

Security officers stated that they were never informed that any meeting, rally, or press conference would be held inside the school building.  They had been notified that there would be one outside the building in the school yard. The head custodian was never notified of any such event.  The principal of the school- who is solely responsible for submitting all permits to the DOE was not notified as well.  

Each of the above-mentioned parties called their supervisors when confronted with the "impromptu" decision to move the event inside- all of whom stated that this was not in accordance to DOE protocols and should not be allowed. School Safety stated they would be sending more officers to the site to shut it down as we only had two officers on site and one was scheduled to leave at that time. It was not deemed safe for these officers to handle the situation on their own without back-up.  The Custodial supervisor was not happy and went to call his supervisor. The school's Network personnel requested that a public school staff member be present at this event (to perhaps witness any further assaults on DOE protocol/procedures??).  

Success Academy parents were in attendance not because they chose to be there but because their children were held captive so that their parents would attend. Success Academy staffers greeted parents arriving to pick up their children (at 4:30) and directed parents into the school's auditorium telling them they could not pick up their children until after this meeting. Many parents were furious and complained but to no avail. They would not get access to the children until Eva had their captive attention.

She then proceeded to persuade them that the de Blasio was closing one of their schools (interesting twist on not allowing more schools to open in space already occupied by existing schools.) Eva spoke to parents about her schools being the only successful schools- and the evil de Blasio stealing that away from parents- not allowing their children to get a real education. Because only she can provide a "real" education.  She then paraded out two black staffers (mind you- she is surrounded by almost all white staffers- everywhere) but parades out these two black staffers to speak to the parents- 99% of whom are black by my eyewitness account) to pressure them into attending Tuesday's lobby day in Albany. Her schools will be shut down that day- students missing an entire day of education- so that she can bring busloads of folks to Albany. I call this child exploitation- children should be in school learning- not spending half the day on a bus, paraded around the state capital, used as a pawn in one women's quest to monopolize and privatize public education.   

When the pre-event concluded, parents were ushed out to the school yard to attend a second "real" press event.

The event was kept short- probably knowing that she only had so much time before official were alerted and actually arrived on site- so that approximately 20-30 minutes after the event began- she moved everyone outside. 

Unfortunately- the DOE was unable (or maybe unwilling) to mobilize fast enough to stop this blatant disregard of protocol's set in place for all public schools- but apparently not for Eva. She will do anything to get more free space to run her schools- her own way- with no respect or regard for the same institution which feeds her. 
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