Some appetizers from Susan O:
Feds Put Pre-K into Race to the Top
Tote that bookbag!
Learn those skills!
Learn to be compliant
And swallow Global Economy pills!
NCLB Cartoons
Training 4-year-olds For the Global Economy
On February 4, 2014, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced on a call with U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius that . . . this year's Race to the Top funding will support President Obama's call to provide high-quality preschool for all 4-year-olds from low- and moderate-income families . . .--Press Release
The Eggplant is back. Actually there are 1 1/2 Eggplants in this mailing. Here's one.
Teachers Who Administer Common Core Tests to Receive Valentino Bags
The unintentional Eggplant is a Wall Street Journal opinion piece: The Pleasures of Teaching to the Test.
And some cartoons:
This one is special to me right now. I just read the 451-page Vermont RTTT Early Childhood Grant to which the Feds awarded $37 million, and I feel sick. Sick and very very angry. So I made this cartoon. And I'm working on an expose of what these people are up to but I've only read 64 pages of the grant's 693-page Appendix. My theory is they figured nobody would read the Appendix. Anyway, here's a cartoon that is my reaction to Vermont's intentions:
Feds Put Pre-K into Race to the Top
And more:
Pre-K Skills for the Global Economy
Training 4-year-olds for the Global Economy
Rotten at the Core
But the 1% will still get wrinkles
Rotten to the Core
Teaching as a Career
The Pleasures Of 'Teaching To the Test'
Susan Ohanian
Did the New York State Language Arts test really pose a question about the tone of Andrew Carnegie's writing? This teacher uses it as an example of how great the test is.
Colorado and PARCC. What will be left? Just the Students and the Chromebooks
Peg with Pen blog
I understand that the lack of pedagogical principle in the Common Core is beyond the grasp of most corporate politicos, but can't they grasp the destructive finances required by the technology?
How Common Core Devalues Great Literature
Anthony Esolen
Crisis Magazine
There is a necessary alternative to Common Core, with its relentless, contemptible, soul-cramping, story-killing, pseudo-sophisticated, utilitarian focus.
A Voice of New Mexico
Carol Singletary
press conference
A New Mexico teacher speaks up--and does not hide her name.
Remarks of U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan: Seize the Day
Arne Duncan
speech at ASCD
If the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sent me $100,000 for 'every English teacher who lamented the lack of close reading by students' before the arrival of the Common Core (as Arne claims), I'd still need to find $3.50 to buy a latte.
Come read with me and be my Drone
Susan Ohanian
With apologies to Christopher Marlowe.
To the editor
Stephen Krashen
Washington Post
Stephen Krashen does it in two sentences.
To the editor
Stephen Krashen, Professor Emeritus USC
Seattle Times
Another Krashen letter published!
To the editor
Stephen Krashen
New York Times
As this letter points out, the distance between policy and profit is gone.
Educational Management Corporation: for-profit disaster school may soon give up the ghost
Danny Weil
Daily Censored
Education Management Corporation is one of the largest providers of post-secondary education in North America and they're being sued by the Feds. Take a look at who's connected with this for-profit education retail chain.
Designed to Distract: Parsing the Unintelligible Corporatese
Colin McEnroe
Hartford Courant
If you can read this deconstruction of educationese without laughing out loud, I'll be surprised.
Teachers Who Administer Common Core Tests to Receive Valentino Bags
Susan Ohanian
The Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association are pleased to announce that with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pearson, inBloom, and the American Federation of Teachers, all teachers administering the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessments as part of the Common Core Standards Initiative will receive a Valentino Crocodile Studded Tote from the Spring/Summer 2014 collection.
Order the CD of the resistance:
"No Child Left Behind? Bring Back the Joy."
To order online (and hear samples from the songs)
Other orders: Send $15 to
Susan Ohanian
P. O. Box 26
Charlotte, VT 05445
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