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Press Advisory from City-As-School present recommendations on the future of NYC education for Mayor Bill de Blasio at “Performance-Based Education”

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This was organized by my friend and fellow MORE steering committee member John Antush. John's mind never stops working.

City-As-School High School
16 Clarkson Street  New York NY 10014
Alan Cheng, Principal

For Immediate Release: January 8th, 2013
Contacts:  Kimberly Acosta (student): kimberly.acosta.13@cityas.org

Naomi Richards (student)
John Antush (Teacher): Johna@cityas.org
Tel: 212.337.6884

Press Advisory

City-As-School High School students present recommendations on the future of NYC education for Mayor Bill de Blasio at “Performance-Based Education” Conference.

Students from the “Economics and Education” class at City-As-School will host a school-wide “Performance-Based Education Conference” where they will highlight their recommendations for the future of the public school system. Mayor Bill de Blasio, Chancellor Carmen Fariña, elected officials, and other guests have been invited. Students will also showcase what performance-based education looks like through both large and small scale performances held in the auditorium and various classrooms within the school.

These presentations are representative of the performance-based model that City As School follows which includes portfolio presentations and hands-on internships throughout the city.

Student recommendations include:
  • 1. Give Alternatives to Standardized Testing; 
  • 2. Provide More Access to Performance-Based Education; 3. Replace Suspensions with Social Intervention; 
  • 4. Provide Adequate Funding for the School System. Students will be available for interviews to talk about their experiences.
Where:  City-As-School High School 16 Clarkson Street  New York, NY 10014
When: Friday, January 17th, 2014.
9:45am-10:45am - Auditorium

Students present a sum up of their recommendations for Educational Policy.

Creative performance by students from a class called “Immigration Today.”

10:45-11:45 - Workshops in various classrooms.
Students present papers and lead discussion on their educational policy recommendations.

In other classrooms students present projects and papers from classes and internships.

11:45-12:15pm, Art Show and Refreshments.
Resource Coordinator,
City-As-School High School
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