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PS 106 Update: The Network Up to Ears in Coverup With a Tisch on the Chain

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In addition to the Mayor in control of our schools, his appointed Chancellors, Deputies and Sups, what about the Networks that provide support and oversight, in al things pedagogical and not in the current operational structure? Bill Colavito is the NL of the old PSO CEI-PEA whose Board includes:Seymour Fliegel and Ann Rubenstein Tisch.... Lisa Donlan

Lisa Donlan has the scoop on the PS 106 the network people. Great digging Lisa. These shadowy networks need to be exposed to the public and dismantled. If schools want to form themselves into networks let's start from scratch.

The networks, full of patronage perks, are desperate to survive as Gotham reported here:
life support

Fearing change, principals lobby de Blasio to protect networks


WColavito@schools.nyc.gov; JBlaize@schools.nyc.gov

Cluster 05 (CEI-PEA) CL53

Cluster Leader Name Cluster Leader Title Cluster Leader Phone
MALDONADO, DEBRA Cluster Leader 718-935-2480

In addition to the Mayor in control of our schools, his appointed Chancellors, Deputies and Sups, what about the Networks that provide support and oversight, in al things pedagogical and not in the current operational structure?

The unseen and uncountable bureaucracy?

Bill Colavito is the NL of the old PSO CEI-PEA whose Board includes:Seymour Fliegel and Ann Rubenstein Tisch.

The Network is a vestige of the early reformy movement turned 'crat and profiteer ( not for profit version in NY) pushing school choice, running and supporting so called Mom and Pop charters, teacher merit pay, etc

Center for Educational Innovation-Public Education Association (CEI-PEA)

2005 – Present (9 years)



January 2004 – Present (10 years 1 month)


White Plains High School

August 1995 – August 2002 (7 years 1 month)


Wm O'Shea Middle School

January 1985 – July 1995 (10 years 7 months)

His daughter Eve is head of DREAM charter school a Harlem-based  charter darling.

The Center for Educational Innovation – Public Education Association (CEI-PEA) is a New York City-based nonprofit organization that creates successful public schools and educational programs. CEI-PEA’s staff of experienced leaders in public education provides hands-on support to improve the skills of teachers and school leaders, increase parent involvement, and channel cultural and academic enrichment programs into schools. CEI-PEA works with more than 220 public schools in the New York City area, as well as schools in Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Paterson (NJ), Philadelphia and Washington, DC.

CEI-PEA came about when two respected public education organizations merged in 2000 to build a broad capacity for public school reform. CEI was first established in 1989 as a component of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research and aimed to transform public education by shifting accountability from bureaucracies to schools as a means of creating public school choice for communities. PEA was founded in 1895 and for over 100 years worked for systemic and sustainable reform of the city’s public school system. Together, the organizations’ histories mark some of the most important milestones for advancing New York City’s public school system:
1896 – Created the “Tombs School,” the first school in New York City jails.
1919 – Initiated a campaign for the first hot school lunch program in New York City.
1935 – Launched the All Day Neighborhood Schools program to test the extended use of school facilities and parent involvement.
1956 – Produced a landmark study of segregation and inferior schooling for minority children.
1974 – Began the first public school choice program in New York City’s East Harlem.
1985 – Recognized by the White House for creating “schools that work.”
1992 – Published landmark studies of small schools and operating costs that demonstrated that small schools are both educationally desirable and cost-efficient.
1994 – Became a founding partner in the Annenberg Challenge grant to create small public schools and networks among New York City schools.
1997 – Established the School Leadership Academy under the direction of Dr. Lorraine Monroe to develop and train in-service principals.
1998 – Established the first charter school resource center in New York State.
2003 – Launched Project BOOST to provide academic, social and cultural enrichment to under-achieving fourth through eighth grade students with the ultimate goal of helping them gain admission to quality high schools.
2004 – Launched an initiative to develop public school choice programs in five major cities across the United States through a multi-year grant from the United States Department of Education.
2006 – Launched new initiatives to help increase the number of quality teachers in the public schools, increase the number of effective principals by developing and mentoring assistant principals, and establishing career technical education programs for the 21st century.
2007 - Selected as a Partnership Support Organization (PSO) for New York City public schools; awarded $10.5 million federal Teacher Incentive Fund grant to launch PICCS: Partnership for Innovation in Compensation for Charter Schools.
2008 - Launched 21st Century Community Learning Center programs with three New York City public schools.
2009 - Number of schools selecting CEI-PEA as their Partnership Support Organization rises to 77.
2010 - Number of schools selecting CEI-PEA as their Partnership Support Organization rises to 118, PICCS expands to 13 new charter schools in New York City and Buffalo with $17.5 million in federal Teacher Incentive Fund grants, and a national Network of Independent Charter Schools is launched with a $2 million federal grant.
2011 – Number of schools selecting CEI-PEA as their Partnership Support Organization rises to 147, which makes our PSO larger than a majority of urban public school systems.

Over the past decade, CEI-PEA has advanced school and system-level reforms, including:
CEI-PEA is led by nationally-recognized educators who have all worked in public school systems as teachers, principals, superintendents and central administrators. CEI-PEA provides both direct technical assistance and network-based assistance to help improve the skills of teachers and school leaders, increase parent involvement, and channel cultural and academic intervention programs into public schools.

Miracle in East Harlem: The Fight for Choice in Public Education

by Seymour Fliegel (Author) , James MacGuire (Collaborator)
In 1973, Community School District 4 in East Harlem was, by many parameters, the worst school district in New York City. Only 16% of the students read at grade level, and truancy was rife. Fifteen years later, 63% of students were reading at grade level, and parents from outside the district were enrolling their children in its schools. How a small band of educators accomplished the feat--which garnered for one principal a MacArthur prize--is exhaustively recounted by Fliegel, who served as the first director of District Four's Office of Alternative Schools, and MacGuire, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Among the dramatis personae are a cavalcade of Board of Education figures, including ex-school chancellor Anthony Alvarado and present chancellor Joseph Fernandez. The authors present a depressing picture of Board of Ed politics and bureaucracy. The key to District Four's success, we're shown in this inspiring study, was the establishment of mini-schools with specialized curriculums and allowing students to choose which school to attend.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.
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Fearing change, principals lobby de Blasio to protect networks

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