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New Jersey Teachers Challenge Tom Moran/Newark Star-Ledger Integrity

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Mr. Moran: You repeatedly parrot [Cami]  Anderson's talking points, which is shoddy journalism at its best... Newark teacher.
The Star-Ledger’s passionate, public love affair with Cami Anderson is now sliding into political porn. .. Bob Braun
CamiGate heats up.

My Dear Mr. Moran,

I admire your unwavering support for State Superintendent Anderson. However, as a journalist, it would behoove you to examine the issues in Newark from different vantage points. How many Newark Public School students, parents, teachers, administrators have you interviewed? You repeatedly parrot Anderson's talking points, which is shoddy journalism at its best. Anderson and her crew are targeting veteran teachers with extensive academic backgrounds and years of service to the community. They are being replaced with Teach for America novices, most of whom are well intentioned. They are experimenting with teaching at the expense of Newark Public School students. Few of them are committed to a teaching career. Children in Newark like their counterparts elsewhere need the support of adults who serve as constants in their lives. Anderson and other "reformers" across the country are attempting to turn teachers into minimum wage Walmart workers. Mr. Moran, I implore you to visit Newark Public Schools and engage community stakeholders in discourse. I for one am tired of reading your shallow diatribes in The Star-Ledger.

A Newark Teacher

Jersey Jazzman
No Credibility Left For Tom Moran and the Star-Ledger Editorial Board - *UPDATE BELOW* Many of you will be surprised to hear this, but I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Tom Moran, Editorial Page Editor of the *Star-Ledger... 

Star-Ledger to Cami Anderson: Be mine, Valentine! - The Star-Ledger’s passionate, public love affair with Cami Anderson is now sliding into political porn. The newspaper’s latest editorial is a gushing, em... 

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