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NYC Teacher Writes to Iannuzzi and Mulgrew Regarding Cuomo

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Any teachers' union in the State of New York that claims to be on the side of its members while simultaneously stroking Cuomo's extra large ego serves as a lesson in the true meaning of hypocrisy... [we] are FED UP and want some evidence that our union leaders are on our side and capable of standing up and fighting for what's just and fair for teachers.... Roseanne McCosh, former Chapter Leader, PS 8X

Roseanne has been an Ed Notes contact for many years. She was a chapter leader along with fellow District 10 chapter leader at the time, Andy Pallotta. She also worked with him when he became District 10 Rep before being tapped as Executive VP of NYSUT. I share her background because she is, and always has been, so credible. Roseanne relinquished the Chapter Leader job to a colleague who she raves about.

Pallotta is nominally behind the pro-Cuomo wing of NYSUT along with Mulgrew on the Revive NYSUT slate running against the Iannuzzi Stronger Together slate. Our own Arthur Goldstein, NYC Educator, is challenging Pallotta as an independent but at some point may end up being on the Stronger Together slate.
Dear Mr. Iannuzzi and Mr. Mulgrew,
Governor Cuomo keeps spouting that our legitimate concerns with the new and very flawed teacher evaluation system are excuses to not be held accountable.  He just bullied the Regents into tabling their moratorium on using test scores to judge us.  
Andrew Cuomo should be called out on his perpetuation of the same old vitriolic lines that put teachers on the defensive. He is refusing to debate the issue and instead responds to our legitimate concerns with attacks. When you can't attack the logic behind the ideas, attack the proponents of the ideas.  It's bully pulpit politics and teachers deserve union leaders willing and able to meet these tactics head on. 
Any teachers' union in the State of New York that claims to be on the side of its members while simultaneously stroking Cuomo's extra large ego serves as a lesson in the true meaning of hypocrisy.   Teachers of NY deserve better than we are currently getting from NYSUT and NYC teachers, who were abused under Michael Bloomberg for 12 years, are FED UP and want some evidence that our union leaders are on our side and capable of standing up and fighting for what's just and fair for teachers.
Roseanne McCosh PS 8X
Roseanne has worked to inform her colleagues about the NYSUT split.
Roseanne requested I put together as simple a pdf of what is going on that can be used with rank and file teachers. Once I get it all clear in my head I will try to do so. 

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