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German New Medicine and the 5 Biological Laws

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Photo Credit:www.totalhealthinstitute.com

'I have always felt that many of our health problems are caused by a Physical, Chemical or Emotional trauma to our autonomic nervous system. I discovered this phenomenon in 1979 while working with Migraine Headache patients. They had a very common statement “ever since” which was followed by an account of a physical, emotional or chemical event. In 1980 I started on a journey around the world. 

I returned home in 1982 and went back into practice without finding a scientific answer.

In 1979 Dr. Ryke Hamer also made a very similar discovery. He has spent his life trying to prove this phenomenon to the scientific community. I hope that by reading the following article you will have a better understanding of why I rely so heavily on the patient history.'

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